June 1, 2010

5 Foods That Make Slim

| June 1, 2010 | 0 comments

Want to guess what food can make you stay slim for a long time? Do not go anywhere and click on this article.

Is the diet is still a big problem in your daily life right now? Yes, it is understandable if the weight is still a problem for you. Many kok who experience it, not easy to do diet and reach your ideal weight in a flash.

But should you give in to the process of this diet?

Do not dong yes, your diet can still be a diet that is fun anyway, as long as you know what foods you should consume.

During this diet you may be very tedious because your menu so boring and unpleasant. There is a practical tips here for you who are on a diet. Some of the foods below will help you more slender in the long term. What are they?


Try bean paste in your lunch menu. This bean is very rich in vegetable fiber / fiber. In addition it also contains Vitamin E and C are certainly good for the health of your skin. [Break]


Replace your carb intake with boiled potatoes. Fibers contained in the potato large enough compared with the rice, so that your needs will still be adequate carbohydrates. Potato is also said in vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, iron, magnesium, beta carotene, lutein and potassium lho.


Besides potatoes, pumpkins can also be a good choice to replace your carbohydrate intake. Nutrient-content was almost the same with potatoes, but it was more sweet and delicious.


Call it an apple as a 'god', because many people depend on the delights and the fibers contained in this fruit. The fruit is very good to help the diet and is recommended by experts.


Enough with roasted or baked, you have a snack rich in fiber and kelezatannya unrivaled. No less with fries or your favorite lho cassava chips. In fact, almonds are rich in B vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus.

Mix and match all five menu in your menu throughout the day. You will stay slim in the longer term. Congratulations on a diet of fun.


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