June 1, 2010

Secrets of 10 Years Younger!

| June 1, 2010 | 0 comments

Moments later you're flat on the age of 50 digits later, you still appear willing is physically healthy is like the 40s? there are some recipes that are worth a try so you look 10 years younger.

Operations, technology, chemicals, whether it's a way to stay fit and look younger? Some people think some things that will help them give a young appearance, but at least help them to help give the display a maximum of only five years younger. The ability to offer them with various guarantees its quality is still not perfect.

Then how to get perfect results, whether the operation should be doubled, or the consumption of chemical technology? Not so the answer! Use of chemicals in a long period of time certainly has certain side effects, there are fears the effect is even worse for some parts of the body. Similar to the operation, which has limited treatment. There's no way your body feels whole operation just to look younger.

According to Dr. Satya Bhakti State, all natural ingredients that are around you and almost every day in consumption is a miracle drug that will keep you healthy and young. Subsequently returned to you to use various sources so that maximum results.

Secret 1:

All youth drug is in the content of vegetables and fruits. Enrich your consumption by 5 kinds of vegetables and five kinds of fruit every day, in your daily menu. Not be in significant amounts, but varied so that all vitamin and mineral needs fulfilled.

Secret 2:

Reduce your carbohydrate intake, too many carbs will minimize your desire sufficient vitamins and minerals from other foods. For example, if the portion of your rice is too much, you must be lazy to eat vegetables, resulting in the necessary vitamins from vegetables decreases the body. No more rest rooms are also necessary for the fruit of your body. Therefore, set the menu to suit your needs, keep everything in balance so that your dream to achieve a healthy and youthful.

Secret 3:

Often touted that the body needs exercise to stay fit. What sport best to maintain the beauty, health and life of your body? All sports that move the body so well, it's just that you tend to focus on quantity, and you forget the important essence of an exercise. Continuity and disciplined exercise is much more important than if you train hard. You will find maximum benefit when you exercise regularly conducted.

Secret 4:

A cheerful laughter on your face will help move the muscles in the face. It's very difficult business to be able to move his face, unlike other body parts move freely. Therefore, make yourself comfortable and laugh in your happiness. Think of it as facial gymnastics, likened the same with your body while doing aerobics.

Secret 5:

One other key is mineral water, which is still underestimated by some people. Consumption of mineral water is often low, while the body is very healthy effect of mineral water needed to maintain body moisture. Are you still hesitant to eat at least eight glasses of mineral water per day?

Still do not believe that these five little secret can make you 10 years younger? Prove the truth with the launch try these secrets from now. Do not forget to share this article to your friends and invite them into practice.


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