June 1, 2010

| June 1, 2010 | 0 comments

Brushing your teeth at least twice a day not only for maintaining oral hygiene, but to prevent chronic disease. People brushing their teeth less than twice a day had higher risks of heart disease.

The study in Scotland of more 11 thousand adults found that people with poor oral health 70 percent higher risk of heart disease. The same study revealed in the British Medical Journal, which shows links gum disease and heart disease.

Inflammation in the body, including the mouth and gums, a role clog arteries and cause heart attacks. If not brushing teeth regularly, the mouth can be infected with bacteria that cause inflammation.

The study analyzed the lifestyle behaviors such as smoking, physical activity and routines as well as oral health. Those with poor oral hygiene had positive blood proteins that trigger inflammation.

Study leader, Professor Richard Watt, from University College London, as quoted from the page of the BBC, said that further study is needed to further confirm whether oral health is a cause or just a marker of heart disease risk. However, he reminded the importance of maintaining oral hygiene from smoking or poor diet.


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